Push it to the Limit (for 2015!)
November 18, 2014
Corbin Blue may not have been targeting plan participants as his audience when he told us to “push it the limit”, but what would those limits be if he was? Well we know what they are for 2015 thanks to a recent IRS announcement.
Trustee Travel Expense Reimbursements
September 16, 2014
Traveling Outside State Lines Requires Staying in Line with the Travel Expense Reimbursement Rules. Taft-Hartley plan trustees must stay up to date on the most recent rules and regulations regarding plan administration.
Special Section 457(b) Catchup for Government Plans
August 27, 2014
A benefit of 457(b) plans is that participants have the opportunity to contribute the maximum deferral contribution to both the 457(b) plan and another qualified plan.
Avoiding the Hardship of Correcting Hardship Distribution Violations
August 12, 2014
Administering hardship distributions correctly is important to prevent the hardship of completing a correction of an error in administration. Often, plan officials assume that their third party administrator is collecting all the information necessary for the approval and proper processing of a hardship, when that is not always the case.
Unforeseeable Emergency Distributions from 457(b) Plans
July 30, 2014
State or local governments and organizations that are tax-exempt under IRC Section 501(c) can establish a 457(b) plan to allow their employees to defer income taxation on retirement savings, similar to how the more popular 401(k) plans operate, but with some important differences, including the availability of hardship distributions.
Patient Centered Outcome Institute Fees Due by July 31, 2014
July 16, 2014
If your company offers a self-insured health and welfare plan, a HRA, or a FSA, your company must pay a fee per covered person by July 31, 2014 on Form 720.
Fraud Interviews
July 09, 2014
Imagine that I am standing over a hunched plan administrator in a dark room with a single bright light shone on them screaming “did you take money from the plan?!?”
The Basics of Partial Plan Terminations
June 18, 2014
When employer-initiated personnel reductions occur and it reduces the number of plan participants by 20% or more, a partial termination of a qualified plan is deemed to have occurred.
Fair Value: Why it Matters for Participant-Directed Accounts
June 04, 2014
Pursuant to the Form 5500 instructions, plan sponsors must enter the current value as of the beginning and the end of the plan year on the Schedule H: Statement of Net Assets Available for Benefits.
Qualified Plans Should Not Hope to get a Qualified Audit Opinion
May 21, 2014
Posted by Maria T. Hurd, CPA As a result of recent changes to the AICPA-approved language for audit reports, unqualified audit opinions will no longer confuse plan sponsors and service providers who associate the word qualified with compliance. New accounting pronouncements have changed the phraseology used to indicate the plan’s financial statements are not materially … Continued