Participant Loan Refinancing
April 17, 2017
Administrative simplicity or empathy for participants in need? Allowing more than one participant loan in a retirement plan is not a black and white determination.
EPCRS: Participant Loan Corrections
April 04, 2017
As mentioned in my previous blog, EPCRS: How to Correct Improper Exclusions of Employees from a 401(k) Plan, the IRS implemented and recently revised the Employer Plan Compliance Resolution System (EPCRS),
The Paradox of Participant Loans in Default: A Taxable Distribution of a Loan Balance Still Considered to Remain Outstanding
March 22, 2017
Keeping two sets of books often means that someone is hiding something from the taxing authorities.
Dispelling an Urban Legend: Participant Loans do NOT result in Double Taxation
March 10, 2017
Pre-tax contributions to a 401(k) or 403(b) plan are not taxed when made to the plan but are taxed when the participant receives a distribution of the contributions.
Tipping The Scales From Prevention To Detection: Get ready for an IRS examination of your plan
February 21, 2017
When it comes to IRS audits, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” as Benjamin Franklin so wisely put it.
Accounting Treatment of Refund of Excess Contributions
February 09, 2017
There is a popular philosophical question that asks if a tree falls in a forest, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
Understanding Independent Qualified Plan Auditor Opinions on Financial Statements
February 01, 2017
As a plan sponsor, you may know that, generally, if your plan covers 100 employees or more, your plan is considered a large plan and requires audited financial statements to be attached to the 5500 filing.
Internal Controls in a Retirement Plan
January 12, 2017
As auditors, we are required to review the controls in place at a plan sponsor of a retirement plan and its service providers to assess the risk of material misstatement resulting from control risk. In doing so, we constantly evaluate the adequacy of the control structure and recommend improvements to strengthen the processes to prevent errors.
Leveling Out ADP and ACP Tests with Refunds, QNECs/QMACs, Bottom-Up QNECs, or One-to-One Contributions
December 27, 2016
Discrimination. It’s a concept that most people don’t associate with retirement plan savings.
Will the Real Gross Wages Please Stand Up! (Gross Wages Aren’t On The W-2 Like You Thought They Were)
December 19, 2016
The use of the wrong definition of compensation is the most common error found in employee benefit plan audits, and it can be a very costly mistake to correct in accordance with the provisions of the IRS’ Employee Plan Compliance Resolution System (EPCRS).