Author: Maria T. Hurd, CPA
401(k) Contribution Limits: A Walk Down Memory Lane
September 12, 2017
Internal Revenue Code Section 401(k) was added to the tax law as part of President Jimmy Carter’s Revenue Act of 1978.
Proposed Statement of Auditing Standards: Redesigning the Audit Reporting Model for ERISA Plan Financial Statements
August 28, 2017
The Auditing Standards Board created a special task force in 2015 to consider a proposal to improve the quality of employee benefit plan audits by strengthening the EBP auditors’ report.
Hardship Distributions: Source Documents vs. Documentation of Self-Certification by Participants
August 11, 2017
“The buck stops here” is a phrase that was popularized by U.S. President Harry S. Truman, who kept a sign with that phrase on his desk in the Oval Office.
The Softer Side of the IRS: Memorandum on Calculating the Maximum Participant Loan Amount
May 29, 2017
Some people believe you can never get enough of a good thing.
WEBINAR: Mastering Form 5500 Schedule: Avoiding Audit Triggers
May 16, 2017
A member of our Employee Benefit Plan Audit Team, Stacey I. Snyder, CPA, will be speaking in an upcoming Strafford live webinar, “Mastering Form 5500 Schedule: Avoiding Audit Triggers” scheduled for Thursday, May 18, 1:00pm-2:50pm EDT.
The DOL’s Assessment on the Quality of Financial Statement Audits: The Aftermath
April 20, 2017
It has been almost two years since the DOL released the results of its study of the quality of work performed by independent qualified public accountants (IQPAs).
Participant Loan Refinancing
April 17, 2017
Administrative simplicity or empathy for participants in need? Allowing more than one participant loan in a retirement plan is not a black and white determination.
The Paradox of Participant Loans in Default: A Taxable Distribution of a Loan Balance Still Considered to Remain Outstanding
March 22, 2017
Keeping two sets of books often means that someone is hiding something from the taxing authorities.
Dispelling an Urban Legend: Participant Loans do NOT result in Double Taxation
March 10, 2017
Pre-tax contributions to a 401(k) or 403(b) plan are not taxed when made to the plan but are taxed when the participant receives a distribution of the contributions.
Tipping The Scales From Prevention To Detection: Get ready for an IRS examination of your plan
February 21, 2017
When it comes to IRS audits, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” as Benjamin Franklin so wisely put it.