Category: 457b Plans
Are Tips a Trap? – (Tips and Traps of Compensation – Part V)
November 25, 2019
Posted by Tyler Starr, CPA The most common error found during the audit of an employee benefit plan is the incorrect definition of compensation being used for contribution purposes. Whether the error is related to payroll coding issues or not fully understanding the plan provisions, plan compensation can be one of the biggest traps for … Continued
2020 Plan Limits – IRS Announces Increases on Benefits and Contributions Dollar Limitations
November 15, 2019
Posted by Saaib T. Uppal, CPA, QKA The IRS has announced cost-of-living adjustments that should be noted for retirement planning purposes. Below is a chart that outlines employee benefit plan limits for 2020: PLAN LIMITS RETIREMENT & SOCIAL SECURITY 2020 Limit 2019 Limit 2018 Limit Section 401(k), 403(b), 457(b) elective deferrals $19,500 $19,000 $18,500 401(k) … Continued
Accounting Treatment of Refund of Excess Contributions
February 09, 2017
There is a popular philosophical question that asks if a tree falls in a forest, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
2017 Plan Limits Announced: Don’t Forget to Update Your Deferral Election
November 08, 2016
Along with the presidential election on Tuesday, November 8, another election that participants should have on their mind is the deferral for their retirement plan.
Elective Deferral Election Benefit Plan Administration
April 18, 2016
One of the most common operational errors when administering retirement plans is the failure to implement a participant’s elective deferral election or change in percentage.
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Don’t Forget the Compensation Ratio Test
January 04, 2016
Most plan sponsors know that their retirement plans are subject to discrimination tests, generally designed to prevent highly compensated employees (HCEs) from obtaining a benefit that is disproportionately favorable when compared to the benefits of the non-highly compensated employees (NHCEs).
Continued Interest from the DOL in the Selection of Qualified Plan Auditors
December 09, 2015
In a previous blog, DOL Audit Quality Study: Employee Benefit Plan Auditors Are not Making the Grade, we discussed the results of the 2015 Audit Quality Study performed by the Department of Labor (DOL).
Unforeseeable Emergency Distributions from 457(b) Plans
July 30, 2014
State or local governments and organizations that are tax-exempt under IRC Section 501(c) can establish a 457(b) plan to allow their employees to defer income taxation on retirement savings, similar to how the more popular 401(k) plans operate, but with some important differences, including the availability of hardship distributions.